46th Danish NMR Meeting
30th/31st of January, 2025
Comwell Rebild Bakker, Rebild, Denmark
12:00 Lunch
The scientific program will take place in the auditorium.
Reinhard Wimmer, Aalborg University
Opening, Welcome
Session 1, Chair: Birthe B. Kragelund
Tobias Madl, Medical University of Graz/Austria
NMR-Based Analysis of Arginine Methylation: Insights into Metabolic Regulation and Functional Dynamics
Reina Iwase, Aarhus University
NMR sheds light on the interplay between N-term segment and phospho-C-tail in PTEN regulation
Jens Christian Madsen, BRUKER Nordic
NMR news from Bruker Biospin
14:15 break
Session 2, Chair: Niels Christian Nielsen
Pernille Rose Jensen, Technical University of Denmark, Hyperpolarized 13C-NMR for In-Cell metabolism
Julie Buhl, Johannes-Kepler University of Linz/Austria, Using cross-correlated relaxation of methyl groups to probe protein dynamics
Armin Afrough, Aarhus University, Understanding Lactose Mobility in Milk Powders Using NMR
Nino Wili, QUAD Systems, QUAD Systems AG – Championing what NMR can do for You
15:35 Poster&Cake
Session 3, Chair: Kaare Teilum
Joan Malmstrøm, Novo Nordisk
NMR platform methods for content and loop structure of oligonucleotides
Andreas Prestel, University of Copenhagen
Proline cis/trans-conformational selection controls 14-3-3 binding
Sanel Sujic, Magritek
New benchmark for benchtop NMR magnet homogeneity: How Spinsolve ULTRA NMRs boost performances for 1- and 2D NMR, process control, and solvent suppression
17:15 Break
Session 4, Chair: Andrew Benie
Diana Bernin, Chalmers University of Technology, Gothenburg/Sweden
Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Methodologies for investigating the production of biobased carbon fibers
Ketty Tamburrini, University of Copenhagen
Deciphering the Disordered Interaction of Prothymosin α with S100A13
Herbert Kogler, Aalborg University
Applications of q-NMR in pharmaceutical industry
18:20 End of scientific program for the first day
19:00 Dinner & Networking
23:59 Bar closes
7:30-8:25 Breakfast, check-out
Session 5, Chair: Thomas Vosegaard
Matthew Wallace, University of East Anglia/Great Britain
NMR analysis of concentration gradients: from pKa to synthesis, drug discovery and more
Daniel Sieme, University of Copenhagen
Hijacking of the growth hormone receptor by calmodulin
Dimitris Argyropoulos, ACD/Labs
Expanding the Scope of High-Throughput NMR: Handling Peculiar 2D Peaks in Automated Structure Verification
Fred Sheng-Yu Yang, Aarhus University
Location of sodium sites in calcium-silicate-hydrate (C-S-H) phases by 1D and 2D 23Na and 29Si NMR experiments.
10:00 Break
Session 6, Chair: Flemming Hoffmann Larsen
Mario Schubert, Freie Universität Berlin/Germany
Back to the roots - using NMR to discover unknown structures, examples from PTMs and unusual pollination systems
Anders Bodholt Nielsen, Aarhus University
Aristarchos Mavridis, University of Manchester/Great Britain
Low field NMR studies of fluids in porous materials
José P. Carvalho, Aarhus University
Bridging DNP and MAS NMR dipolar recoupling
Reinhard Wimmer, Aalborg University
Poster Prize
Concluding Remarks
Lunch and Good-bye
1 Manuel Baumgartner, Johannes Kepler Universität Linz
Determining partitioning of small molecules into condensates using chemical shift imaging
2 Andrew Benie, Novo Nordisk A/S
Sample Preparation Tips and Tricks
*3 Freia Stryhn Buus, University of Copenhagen
Phase-Separation of Two Highly Charged Disordered Proteins at the Residue Level Explored by NMR Spectroscopy
*4 Simina Cuciurean, University of Copenhagen
Transient helicity in the intrinsically disordered protein ACTR measured by Hydrogen Exchange NMR and HDX-MS
*5 Christoffer Durieux Skoven, Technical University of Denmark
Towards NMR-based Metabolomics
6 Reina Iwase, Aarhus University
NMR sheds light on the interplay between N-term segment and phospho-C-tail in PTEN regulation
*7 Filip Jensen, Aarhus University
Kinetic Monte Carlo simulation of multiple-spin dynamics
*8 Nadja Joachim, University of Copenhagen
Phosphorous recovery using optimised phosphate binding proteins
9 Claire Jones, University of East Anglia
Single sample NMR studies of pH-dependent polyoxometalate speciation and fluorescein tautomerization
*10 Sonja Kuppermann, University of Copenhagen
The Nuclear Receptor RXRa -- Disorder in Context
*11 Milena R. Lalic, University of Copenhagen
Regulation of Nuclear Receptors through Structural disorder
12 Fabio Maia Neto, Aarhus University
Solid-state NMR as a tool to investigate disordered phases during CO2 mineralization of cement pastes
*13 Roger Martínez Cot, University of Copenhagen
Biophysical characterization of NHE7 C-terminal tail.
*14 Kathrine Olesen, Aarhus University
Solid state NMR analysis of plastic degradation product capturing CO2
*15 Max Pawlyta, University of Copenhagen
Investigation of the Interaction of EGCG with Intrinsically Disordered Proteins
*16 Kristine Tilbæk Nielsen, Aalborg University
NMR investigation of decaying juice of red clover
*17 Maria Pérez Mendigorri ,Aarhus University
Water binding in dairy matrices
18 Andreas Prestel, University of Copenhagen
Proline cis/trans-conformational selection controls 14-3-3 binding
19 Adriana Rathner, JKU Linz
Tunable Olfactory Peptides for Laser-Printed Sensors: Early Detection of Chemical and Biological Threats
20 Daniel Saar, University of Copenhagen
The Subtle Art of Nuclear Receptor Regulation Captured by NMR: MTMR7 as a Non-Canonical PPARγ Modulator with Potentially Low Affinity
21 Ketty Tamburrini, University of Copenhagen
Deciphering the Disordered Interaction of Prothymosin α with S100A13
22 Daniel Topgaard, Lund University
Cryogenic probe technology enables multidimensional solid-state NMR of the stratum corneum without isotope labeling
*23 Soma Varga, Pazmany Peter Catholic University
NMR and SAXS measurements reveal dynamic structural features in the single alpha-helix of Drebrin
* Ph.d. student or M.Sc student eligible for the Poster Prize
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